
Is Fluoride Safe For Kids?

Is Fluoride Safe For Kids?

So is it safe or is it bad? Ample proof fluoride benefits teeth. Fluoride toothpaste decrease cavities in children from 15 to 30 percent and the fluoridation of open water supplies bring hole rates up down to 40 percent. Yet, that is not the finish of the story. Ecological wellbeing specialists call attention to that

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Preparation For Removing Your Braces

After a long and possibly challenging timeframe wearing your braces, you are presently nearing the snapshot of truth. Your orthodontist has let you know that they will evacuate your supports amid your following visit. To get ready for this orthodontic treatment plan, discover more about the procedure by which your supports are evacuated, and what’s

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Why Jaw Pain Can Be A Strain

Jaw agony is frequently depicted as a throbbing, uncomfortable torment. It can happen out of the blue, or it can begin off gentle and turn out to be more exceptional after some time. Be that as it may, the correct side effects will fluctuate contingent upon the underlying driver. Recognizing the hidden issue is the

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How To Maintain A Great Holiday Smile

The holidays; especially Christmas, accompanies a lot of enticement. Desserts encompass you, yet you need to keep your solid, delightful grin as new as ever. Luckily, you don’t need to deny yourself of occasion treats to secure your teeth. Simply take after these basic grin tips as the occasions approach.

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Is Fixing A Chipped Tooth As Easy As 1,2,3?

So picture this – You’re eating a piece of hard candy or some ice (which you probably shouldn’t be doing) and then you realize something out of the ordinary- you have a chipped tooth. But don’t worry as you’re not alone, and the damage of a broken tooth can be repaired. There are also things

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Proper Foods To Eat For Healthy Gums

We all know that brushing, flossing, and mouthwash are important for a healthy mouth and gums, but many of us are probably unaware that in order to maintain a healthy mouth there are certain foods and even drinks that you can start adding to your diet that will do wonders for you and your oral

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How To Tackle Oral Care While Away From Home

You’re on vacation and you start experiencing a painful toothache or other dental concern. The fear is that you are far from home and from your regular dentist. What should you do when you have a dental crisis? Here are some tips on what to do when you’re on the road and your teeth need

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Tips For Proper Oral Care

Most of us are pretty knowledgeable on how to brush our teeth. But chances are that you might be making some mistakes. It doesn’t hurt to improve your oral care. No one’s perfect so why not learn something new and give yourself the cleanest and healthiest mouth. Here are 10 tips to avoid mistakes with

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Oshawa, ON L1H 7K5


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