Did you know that 5 million Americans have their wisdom teeth removed every year? It’s one of the most common dental procedures and very safe. But, it can cause a fair bit of swelling and pain once it’s done. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can minimize these issues and speed up recovery. One such method
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Did you know that more than 90% of people in the United States alone have cavities? Cavities, along with other dental problems, can be painful to treat. For that reason, dental sedation exists. But you might be wondering, “What should I expect if I need to be sedated by a dentist near me?” After all, is
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Have you noticed that your teeth have become progressively flattened over the years? Have you ever woken up to the sound of your teeth grinding against each other loudly? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about why you might be grinding your teeth. If you’re dealing with any sort of
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Around three-fourths of Americans say they make some type of New Year’s resolution every year. Not surprisingly, health and self-improvement are the top areas people look to improve. If you have made dental health one of your priorities for 2022, you picked a great goal. Oral health can improve your overall health, because gum disease is linked
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Canadian’s see their dentists on average 3.54 hours per year. Over 80% of those visits were to a general dentist, and many would have been experiencing common dental emergencies. As a dental surgery, you see many of the same issues daily, all of which need to be treated with speed and the utmost care. Keep
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96% of Canadians have dealt with cavities at some point in their lives. Sometimes, people might not even know if they are suffering from a cavity. If you’re feeling discomfort, suffering from tooth sensitivity, or have sore gums, you might be worried you have a cavity. You might also be wondering how to tell if you
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A hurting mouth can make the rest of a person feel miserable and there isn’t anything quite as painful as a dental emergency. Dental emergencies can happen in several ways from breaking a tooth to pain from wisdom teeth to some sort of infection. All you know is you want relief now. Most dentists treat
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Many people use tooth gems to beautify their teeth. They use them as a way to make their smile more attractive. Some use it to cover up the spaces where they have lost teeth. But are you willing to risk the consequences of wrong use? It’s important that you know what will and won’t harm
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Did you know that, according to the Canadian Dental Association, 75% of Canadians visit the dentist every year? Additionally, 86% of them visit the dentist at least once biannually. It’s also been reported that 80% of Canadians have dentists. Whether or not you’re one of the many Canadians who have a dentist, you might be considering going
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How Often Should You Brush Your Teeth for Good Oral Hygiene? Looking after your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly doesn’t just pave the way for pearly whites. It makes a huge difference to your overall health. In this post, we cover toothbrushing regimens and focus on just how often you should be brushing your
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In a recent study, 81% of people feel their teeth look unattractive in photographs. In fact, 42% of people admitted that their smile would be the first thing they’d like to change about themselves. Can you relate to these feelings? Do you find yourself giving close-lipped smiles to hide your less-than-perfect teeth? If so, remember that it’s
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Approximately 25.9 percent of adults in the U.S. have untreated dental caries (cavities). Could you be one of them? If it’s been a while since you had a regular dental check-up, that’s highly likely. Even if you’re not dealing with issues like tooth sensitivity or pain, it’s still important to prioritize regular check-ups. Read on for 5
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